Spring has sprung

It seems a very long time ago that I posted here; since then, I’ve continued the investigation that I began on my MA into the crossover between the digital (starting with my photographs) and the handmade in my work. I like moving from one realm to the other and using these ideas, I’ve made some concertina books, taken some digital photographs into charcoal drawings and lino prints at Double Elephant studio in Exeter, made stitched and printed tissue paper and filled some sketchbooks doing plein-air painting in Central Park. These sketchbooks and photographs will be the basis of my work over the next few months.

In between trips back to see family in Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, we’ve visited The Box to see some of their excellent exhibitions and have been to watch Plymouth Argyll in their quest for promotion this season. Nervous times ahead… I also had some more work shown at The Artmill Gallery, which was nice.

Double Elephant: https://www.doubleelephant.org.uk/courses

The Box: https://www.theboxplymouth.com/events/exhibitions Sue Williamson: Between Memory and Forgetting, a selection of wonderful collaged prints; Hannah Quinlan and Rosie Hastings: Portraits (these are beautiful prints too) and Making a Mark: Dazzling Drawings from the Cottonian


The happy printmaker


Late December 2022